Cookies with a Sprinkle!

Today Emily and a number of bakery chefs scoured the pantry and consulted our recent food and cooking requests list and decided to make cookies! New Reception students Benny and Madeline joined in with OSHC veterans Daniel, Taylor, Zara, and Kyla.

The children discovered a recipe for chocolate chip cookies and decided to work with that as a base as we don’t ever have chocolate chips in our cupboards.. (well, not often anyway, and perhaps not often enough!) The group did discover sprinkles however and decided to mix sprinkles in the cookie dough.

Jobs were shared amongst the team so that they all had something to do to produce delicious cookies with a sprinkle!

Everyone was impressed with Zara who showed strength of character and persistence as she wrestled with a ring pull and can of condensed milk. Well done Zara!

Now chocolate chip cookies are almost certainly a red food, according to Right Bite Standards, so go easy, people! We understand that many children and their big people, enjoy cookies and sprinkles and delicious chocolate chips, but they should only be eaten occasionally.

I must add though, a very wise parent from the community, thank you Allison, has pointed out that chocolate is made from a bean- the cocoa bean! If only it wasn’t for all that sugar..

Here is our recipe!

Choc Chip Cookies With a Sprinkle

1 Cup of plain flour

100g butter, melted

1/4 cup castor sugar

2 Tbsp condensed milk

1 tsp baking powder

Choc chips, sprinkles or whatever you fancy

  1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC and line a baking tray with compostable baking paper

  2. Place all ingredients, except chocolate chips or whatever you fancy into a bowl and mix

  3. Fold in chocolate chips, sprinkles or whatever you fancy, once the mixture is cooled

  4. Make small balls with mixture and place them on the baking tray. Press them down slightly with a fork

  5. Bake in oven for approximately 10-15 minutes or until golden

Do you have any workarounds to make cheeky chocolate chip cookies less cheeky? Please leave a comment!


Easy Blueberry muffins!


Food for thought..