Staff meetings

We aim to meet as a team three times per term, in weeks two, five and nine. Traditionally our meetings have been held in our OSHC room from 12:30pm through 2:30pm on a Friday. This is all subject to change of course, as our schedules and availability can change.

Regular meetings are a great way to onboard and train new staff, for experienced staff to mentor those with less experience, and for us to share important information that can sometimes be sensitive and confidential.

We collaborate with our school’s leadership team and often have meetings with Cate, our Learning Leader and Simon, our Wellbeing Teacher. These meetings allow us to discuss and strengthen strategies to support children and families.

Regular agenda items for each of our staff meetings are as follows:

Week 2

  • Vacation care reflection

  • Development of next school holiday programme

  • Quality Improvement Plan development

  • General housekeeping

Week 5

  • Term time programming review

  • Vacation care resourcing, planning and preparation

  • Risk management

  • QIP development

  • General housekeeping

Week 9

  • Vacation care checklist

  • QIP development

  • General housekeeping

Your input for staff meetings is welcome too! Please add to the conversation by clicking on the button above.


For enquiries, feedback or suggestions, please contact us by pressing the big button that says contact us, below.