Welcome receptions, new students, and families!
Like at school, the first weeks for Reception children at OSHC are all about learning routines, making new friends, and getting to know OSHC educators. We’re sure there will be many tired children this weekend!
Simply, our routines for children are as follows:
Before School Care
Put your bag on the bag rack upon arrival
Wash your hands in the OSHC room, by the kitchen
Order breakfast (Before 8:00am, families! See Simon and Luke about Breakfast Club if your running late)
Play! We play in the OSHC rooms, the gym, or outside, depending on the weather
After School Care
Reception and Year 1 children are collected from classrooms and signed in by OSHC educators
Wash your hands outside of the OSHC room
Sit down ready for afternoon snack and messages.. and then eat!
Play! Like before school care we can be found in the OSHC rooms, the gym, or outside. Families, when you’re collecting your children please see an OSHC educator who will let you know where they are playing
Other routine tidbits for children
We ask all children to let us know when they need to use the bathroom and send them in groups or pairs, so that they’re not on their own. Young children are sent with older buddies
We emphasise to children that they can play in supervised play areas only and to let an educator know when they wish to move from one area to another. We use our walkie-talkies to communicate children’s movements
Children are welcome to play with all of our games and toys and things so long as they’re willing to help tidy up!
Families are always welcome to ask questions or give feedback about our routines or anything else. You can speak to us at drop off and pick up times, call and email, or even leave a comment down below!