KM’s digital drawing

KM has showed an enthusiasm for most things, including all manner of crafting, photography and digital drawing! Many children are drawn to the iPad- I wonder why!? We’re curious about exploring digital technologies with children, to play a part in the development of their digital literacy, but we’re interested in doing that well by encouraging healthy digital habits, learning and using transferable skills, and engaging in activities that have meaning.

KM is a great example of this as while he is pictured here as a digital artist, he truly does engage in a wide range of experiences at OSHC. For this digital sketch he was asked to produce a traditional sketch first that he could use as a reference for this piece and then make a comparison of the two. He did a great job with pencil and paper, but that work became a victim to a group room tidy. I’m sorry KM!

The following image is a quick traditional sketch he made to make up for the now recycled original. Well done, KM! Next time, and assuming that we don’t lose your original work again, I’d like to see you explore the many mediums such as brushes and pens that are available in the iArtbook app, so that you can try to emulate what you have made on paper.




Drawing digitally!